Why hire a Cat Behavior Consultant?

You may be wondering if a behavior consultant is for you. It is always a good idea to question what would be best for you and your feline companions.
A behavior consultant like myself can come to your home and surveil the surroundings. We are looking for things such as:
We are looking for a lot of different things in their environment that could be causing their problem behavior(s) - that includes you!
Behavioral changes don't often need to take place within the cats themselves, but within their guardians. A lot of the times, guardians don't realize that simple things they are doing (or not doing) be causing their cats distress.
A behavior consultant like myself can come to your home and surveil the surroundings. We are looking for things such as:
- The cat's behavior around you and your family members or other household residents
- Their behavior around other companion animals that live in your home
- We can observe where the litter boxes are located, litter box types, litter cleanliness, etc.
- We can observe their comforts and discomforts; hiding spots, perches (or lack thereof) and where they like to spend their time
- Behavior consultants can observe things in your environment that might otherwise go unnoticed by someone other than a person that knows cats well
We are looking for a lot of different things in their environment that could be causing their problem behavior(s) - that includes you!
Behavioral changes don't often need to take place within the cats themselves, but within their guardians. A lot of the times, guardians don't realize that simple things they are doing (or not doing) be causing their cats distress.